Česko.Digital/Akce/Prague City Data Congress

Prague City Data Congress

Congress showcase of studies and drive networking, urban planning and municipal coordination.

O akci

Prague City Data Congress is organized by the municipal company Operátor ICT, which is responsible for Smart City solutions. The aim of the congress is to showcase studies and drive networking in the fields of data, urban planning, and municipal coordination.

In the 2021 edition, defined by the times of altered balance and changing perceptions, PCDC will focus on accessible design, data visualizations, and data-based storytelling. Together with leading experts, we will look beyond the numbers and discover the role that city data plays in our new reality!

Další akce

st 26. 2. 18:00Opero, Praha

Meetup #5

Chceš vidět, jaký dopad měla naše společná práce? Potkat známé tváře, poznat nové lidi a společně oslavit, co se nám podařilo v oblasti digitální inkluze? Přijď na Meetup Česko.Digital a zažij večer plný inspirace, dat a pozitivní energie!

út 25. 2. 09:00Google Meet

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proběhlo12. 12. 24

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